One of the things I hate about shopping at big-box supermarkets is the lack of variety throughout the year. They might have a big selection of produce...but it never changes. At markets which sell locally grown food, you can really get a feel for not only the changing of the seasons, but also for what crops have been abundant from week to week. Lately, our local co-op has been getting some very interesting things in the store. So, we've been trying some new is what has stood out:
Amaranth Greens

Okay...not really greens...more like...reds? Burgundies? You might know amaranth as the tiny nutritional powerhouse of a grain but the leaves of the plant are also edible. Not only edible but delicious! I did some research and apparently this is popular in Mediterranian cuisine. In Greece, the dish made with this is called "Vleeta" To prepare, I did a quick saute in olive oil and garlic and squeezed some lemon over it. It went very well alongside veggie loaf and potatoes!

They taste like a combination of spinach and beets...if you can imagine that!
The next things we found (and LOVED!) from the co-op are Pink Pearl apples. They get their name from the fact that the flesh inside is bright pink!

I have to say, these are some of the BEST apples I have ever had! I think they tasted like a perfectly ripe Fuji apple if it had been dunked in cranberry juice. The only thing better than the apple, itself was the juice that came from it! And yes, that was pink too!

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